Egg Cupcakes
10 -12 eggs whisked well
1 green onion
2 zucchini
3 big handfuls of spinach
1/2 a jar of roasted red and yellow peppers
6-8 slices of COOKED bacon
sea salt and black pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350 and grease with olive oil two muffin pans. Whisk all your eggs in a big bowl. In a food processor throw in the green onion, zucchini, bacon, and peppers and process until finely chopped but NOT smooth (yuck…). Add this mixture to your eggs. Throw your spinach into the processor and finely chop and also add to your eggs. Mix the egg mixture well and using a 1/4 measuring cup, fill the muffin pans (you’ll be able to make 18-20 cupcakes). Bake for 20-25 minutes or until the eggs are set in the middle. These are great to take on the go and I like mine with some sliced avocado and green salsa.
This recipe is on the Everyday Paleo website.
I made these "cupcakes" and have to say- they are VERY delicious! I was a bit nervous because the serving size is two, and they are not the biggest things ever. However, I sat down with my kids (Kurt took his to go!) and while we talked and I took the time to savor the delicious flavor, I found I was TOTALLY satisfied with my 2 little cakes! These are not like cake, they are basically crust-less quiches. Delicious. SO delicious.
Harrison happily ate one, and requested another... and another! I cut him off after the first one, and offered him some blueberries instead, which he happily ate. Carter had a difficult time with just one. He wanted waffles. Kurt mistakenly announced, "we don't eat waffles anymore" and that made Carter break down in tears. The kid LOVES waffles! Well, once Carter had a few bites and knew it wasn't horrid he finished his "cupcake" but was pretty upset. I offered him some coconut flakes to try- he was reluctant, but thrilled once he tasted them! He ended up eating a few tablespoons of them before having his water and going to play.
I was scared of lunch... I wont lie. I am not a fish person, and would have happily skipped all of the fish recipes in this cookbook, but Carter has been BEGGING me for fish. Finally I agreed and I had told Carter we would have fish on Saturday. Carter has counted down the days- literally. He somehow skipped a day yesterday (wait, is there one day left, or is today the last day??) and insisted that yesterday MUST be Saturday. No... no, it wasn't. I had to ask a random stranger to tell me what day it was just to TRULY convince Carter I wasn't skipping his beloved fish day. Now before you get proud of me for having kids to love fish- I should explain. Carter has NEVER had fish... ever... ever in his life. I was so nervous to make the lunch "Wild Salmon Salad" on the menu for this week. Sure, I have had a few kinds of fish and lived through it, but salmon is a pretty fishy fish.. I was scared.
Here is what we made:
Wild Salmon Salad
Salad greens of your choice
Already Cooked Wild Caught Salmon from Trader Joe’s
Roasted yellow and red peppers diced
1 organic apple diced
handful of slivered almonds
1 avocado diced
Olive oil, black pepper, dried dill and lemon juice to taste
A splash of white balsamic vinegar.
Toss all together and EAT!!
This recipe is also from the Everyday Paleo website. I halved the recipe above.
I cringed when I smelled the salmon. Carter was THRILLED. He wanted his fish on the SIDE of the salad. Fine. So, I separated their fish portions first, and then made the rest of the salad and put it on their plates... and my own.
Took a bite. WOW. It was good!
Kids took bites. And GOBBLED it down!!! They ate 1/4 cup of PLAIN salmon each! And then they ate their SALADS! Salads with NOTHING other than what is listed above! Carter kindly requested more lemon, and had a blast squeezing it onto his greens- he said, "Mama! The salad tastes like lemon! I like it!!!" PERFECT! They each ended up having additional helpings from my own plate! I have two naturally born fish lovers! I am so glad!!!
Tonight I am going to make a roasted chicken with lemon, onion, and thyme. There was a GREAT sale on whole chickens, so I bought a few and even though I am doing one in the crockpot tomorrow, chicken never goes bad in this house! So, roasting it up! I will serve it with a side salad made with the other half of the Wild Salmon Salad above. Perfection! For "dessert" I am going to cut up one mango and put a little bit of coconut and coconut milk on top. That should give each of us a little something to help satisfy our sweet tooth.
(For snacks, the kids have been munching on trail mix made with nuts, berries, and beef jerky - less than 1/4 cup is all they need to be fully satisfied!)

These are pictures of our dinner!
*** Added on 6/27/11
Okay... now let's talk about the hard part. At about 2pm for Kurt and 4pm for me- the headache came. Dull, pain. Then shakes. Then SERIOUS irritability. I was shocked. I KNEW that this would be hard- but to feel such serious sugar withdrawals so quickly?! The kids were awful, Kurt and I were pissy- it was terrible! I am so thankful that Kurt and I are such stubborn people, because each of us kept challenging the other, "you SURE you don't need to quit?!" and both of us are so competitive neither wanted to be the first one out. It was bad. Really bad. My stomach was satisfied but my mouth demanded more! Nothing tasted better than that mango. Thank Heaven for mangoes!!! I can HONESTLY say day 1 was hardest for us. As we all sat there, writhing in our own misery, I calculated the average amount of sugar we consume during the day. It was high. Don't get me wrong- we consume probably less than the "average" American family- but still, it was a heck of a lot higher than this day. I don't know how those Atkins diet people do it without being able to consume all the fun fruits and veggies we get to have! Yeah.. day 1... awful. So so so so so so so glad we stuck with it!
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